May 2010 – Making Simple Drawings

Last month’s newsletter was an overview of turning centers. This month we are going to look at ways to simplify your drawings with the express purpose of reducing the cost of manufacturing and inspection. I am going to make an assumption for the sake of this newsletter that the machine shop making your parts is…


Pro CNC Newsletter Featured on MMS Blog

For the past 17 months, Pro CNC’s president Paul Van Metre has published a monthly eNewsletter providing advice on Design for Manufacturability (DFM). The newsletter has recently been featured in a blog entry from Derik Korn of Modern Machine Shop , one of the premier metalworking print and online publications. The title of the blog…


October 2009 – Threads and Plating

Last month’s newsletter discussed designing and machining plastic parts. This month (which marks the first anniversary of our newsletter !!!) we are going to discuss the combination of threads and plating, addressing some of the common issues and things to avoid and look out for. When a part has threaded holes and it is plated,…
